About me

I am a landscape ecologist and ecological modeler with more than ten years of postdoctoral experience in applied conservation science. I am interested in understanding how nature and society interact, and how both can be influenced by environmental policy and ecosystems management. I use quantitative tools to understand ecological patterns and processes across multiple spatio-temporal scales, from waterholes to forest stands to whole continents. I have applied these tools to many ecological questions, for example projecting species’ habitat suitability under climatic and land use scenarios or quantifying and mapping ecosystem services in semi-natural ecosystems under human management and climate change. Then, I use that ecological information to assist real conservation planning. For example, to evaluate trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity conservation and agricultural or clean energy development at large scales or to identify optimal areas for forest restoration to maximize ecosystem service provision and ecological connectivity.

Things I am interested in (research): applied conservation, biodiversity monitoring, connectivity analyses, cultural landscapes, ecosystem services, environmental policy, global change impacts, Mediterranean forests, landscape ecology, protected areas, science communication, socio-ecological systems, spatial planning.


Currently, I´m a postdoctoral senior researcher at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) where I work in between the Biodiversity Change Lab  and the ECOSPAT group on assessing the impacts of climate change on the biodiversity of glacial and periglacial landscapes across the Alps. I´m also a research associate at the Conservation Biology Division of the University of Bern (Switzerland) where I co-lead a project on the same topic, with special focus on the potential impacts on biodiversity of future infrastructure development after glacial melting. 

I´m also research fellow at the CREAF where I collaborate with Dr. Lluís Brotons and other colleagues from the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology lab  and the ICO on evaluating the impacts of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem services linked to Mediterranean ecosystems.

If you would like to collaborate or work along with me, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


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